Moments: A Three Month Wrap Up

So it’s been a heck of long time since I’ve written or posted anything on here. My last post was around Halloween with the details of Elise’s last minute knight costume.

The holiday rush has finally settled and I’m really finding my groove, my place, at my new job (going on 5 months soon!). So now I think it’s an appropriate time to start writing and posting again.

What has happened in the past 3-ish months? Well, for one I have not stopped writing, that’s for sure. I’ve been writing pretty dedicatedly in journals, scribbling away ideas, daily reflections and plotting ways to save the world (or at least the ones around me ;)). And I certainly did not stop taking photos of my irresistible little Elise, who has been going through a “3” stage (3 years old, 3 feet tall and still not quite 30 pounds).

Here’s a visual recap of the highlights of the past three (there it is again!) months:

Apple picking at Justus Orchard with Tata Alexandra

Corn maze walk at the Eliada Corn Maze

Elise’s first day of preschool+the beginning of a crocodile obsession/fascination

Preschool Halloween party

Tree decorating+kitty pjs

The countdown to Christmas illustrated by Tata Lucie

2015/01/img_1693.jpg New Years Eve with toddler Elise=Frozen dance parties, cuddles & bed jumping

Elise’s hair is finally long enough for her first braid

A mother-daughter-granddaughter day filled with painting fun at Fired Up, a delish vegetarian lunch at the Laughing Seed and some shopping at Elementality


Awesome Things Thursday

In an effort to be more organized with what I’m posting here, I am testing out some “themes” for each day of the (work) week. And for Thursdays, I am thinking of posting my (mostly) regular mish mash of things and links I’m digging. So here’s a little list of what I’m digging, reading listening to, and testing out this week (long story short, it’s pretty much all Design Sponge):

20140731-121914-44354480.jpgA perfect healthy treat or breakfast dish

20140731-122442-44682437.jpg I was literally about to email Grace Bonney proposing a blog post about my hometown of Asheville, but it looks like Macon York beat me to it. Dang

20140731-122809-44889557.jpg Some cute DIY marbled coasters

20140731-122957-44997455.jpg Pretty much everything Jess Lively writes and says is awesome and inspirational. I listen to her podcasts regularly and am totally obsessed with her latest intention tattoo launch.

And speaking of bloggers who I love to listen to via podcast, Grace Bonney of Design Sponge is another one that fits that bill. The podcast I listened to yesterday about turning jealousy into inspiration was, well, inspiring. 

I hope you’re having an inspirational and awesome week, y’all!


Summer is Here Already


Here in the mountains of WNC, we’ve been having some beautiful weather, followed by some get-back-in-your-pjs-snuggle-up-and-watch-a-fire kind of nasty weather. If you’ve ever visited Asheville, you know what I’m talking about. The weather here is more indecisive than I am when picking out pretty dresses to wear on a date night. Yeesh.

Nevertheless, we cherish our bright, sunny days here and make the most of it by cramming our evenings and weekends with as many activities a normal person can handle. This past week I:

•Went to the park with little E and my 15 years+ bestie where we had a picnic and played on slides (pictures 2 & 3).

•Celebrated a sweet, special friend’s 28th at some of the best joints in Asheville, including Wicked Weed (where we had beers with a party squid #squidattack) and Ben’s Tune Up (dance party, what-what!) (picture 4).

•Said “a tout à l’heur” (see you later) to one of our favorite double date buddies who are moving to the big city (aka Raleigh) to get real jobs (sorry, Asheville!) with none other than herring, cheese, wine, roasted peppers and pbr (picture 1).

And these pictures don’t even include the triple-trouble birthday party we went to on Saturday where little E got a crack at her first piñata! (There’s a video!)

With all this activity, it’s already feeling like summer when there something happening all.the.time. in Asheville.

Whew! Just thinking about this weekend is tiring me out!

What about you? Are you already obsessing over spring/summer plans? I know I am! ❤